Detective Andrew Redfield joins RICOVR Healthcare as Law Enforcement Advisor


PRINCETON, NJ, UNITED STATES, July 13, 2021 / — RICOVR Healthcare, creator of the XALIVA™ rapid diagnostics platform, announced that Andrew Redfield, an active Police Detective, is joining RICOVR as law enforcement advisor. Detective Redfield is a certified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and brings 10 years of law enforcement experience.

“Detective Redfield will be a key member of the RICOVR team, said Dr. Himanshu Bhatia, CEO and Founder of RICOVR. Legalization of marijuana has increased demand by law enforcement for the ability to test roadside for recent use. Our XALIVA THC drug testing device is truly portable and provides on-the-spot THC level.”

As states continue to legalize recreational marijuana, law enforcement agencies are looking for a convenient and accurate roadside test to pre-screen drivers for being under the influence. RICOVR’s novel biosensor platform uses a small amount of saliva to provide lab-quality, quantified, low-cost diagnostics in approximately five minutes.

Piyush Sadana, COO and Co-Founder of RICOVR said, “We are excited to have Detective Redfield as our law enforcement advisor. He brings a wealth of user knowledge to RICOVR as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). XALIVA is an innovative solution for law enforcement agencies as it combines portability and cost-effectiveness with real-time THC level readout based on recent usage of marijuana. Detective Redfield will be vital in advising RICOVR for this important market.”

“As a small handheld device XALIVA will be a very useful tool for DRE’s in the field and roadside, as well as other applications in multiple enforcement and intervention situations,” said Detective Redfield.


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